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Zines are hand-made and self-published booklets with a history that connects them to other forms of DIY writing including pamphlets, chap books, and blogs. They are an incredibly accessible and flexible format, which allows for a range of stories and experiences and styles, and they have been an important space for feminist, queer, and other radical voices to find a platform. Anyone can make a zine – including you!

I have been reading zines and teaching them in my gender studies classes since the early 1990s. But I didn't make my own zines until 2016 at the age of 51. During a health crisis I started drawing and writing about my experiences and those early rough drawings turned into an ongoing art practice. My zines are a mix of personal and political, and address such topics as the aftermath of cancer treatment, living in the desert, social justice, and dogs. I combine simple line drawings with brief narrative and sometimes collage.


I tabled at my first zine fest in 2018 and I love interacting with people who read and buy my work. After years of attending zine events, it has been exciting to be on the other side of the table and I have felt so welcomed by the zine community. Even as I now create other kinds of art, making/selling/trading zines continues to be a central part of my practice and my understanding of myself as an artist.

Prices below (zine and sticker prices include shipping). Email me for payment options (Venmo/Paypal).

Cooking with Friends

Cooking with Friends

This compilation zine emerged from a regular online drawing group! "Cooking with Friends: Comics with Recipes" contains 9 contributors,12 comics, and actual recipes! Many include audio descriptions (2023, 74 pages, 6" x 9"; black and white with color cover). $20 (includes shipping)



“Remains” tells the story of objects I found early in the pandemic along the dirt roads where I live. These objects had fallen from construction trucks and I came to understand them as complicated signifers for intersecting and sometimes competing narratives about home and land, safety and security, and access and protection. (2023; 8.5" x 5.5"; 30 pages; b&w on brown cardstock with hand-stamping). $12 (includes shipping)

Remains & Tracks 2-pack

Remains & Tracks 2-pack

In January 2024, as part of an installation at 29 Palms Art Gallery, I created limited editions - with new covers - of "Tracks" (which had been out of print) and "Remains." (2023; edition of 25 each; 8.5" x 5.5"; b&w with hand-stamping). $25 for both (includes shipping)

The Other Kind of NERD n.1-7

The Other Kind of NERD n.1-7

N.E.R.D. refers to "no evidence of recurrent disease." This zine is about living with uncertainty, when you are in a stage that oncology doctors like to call surveillance (2018-2024, 7 issues; each issue 24 pages; b&w; 4.25" x 5.5") $3 each (price includes shipping); 7-pack for $18.

Desert Wildflower Coloring Book

Desert Wildflower Coloring Book

Finding sustainable ways to appreciate the beautiful desert wildflowers! (2023, 16 pages; 7" x 8.5"; b&w with color cover). $6 (price includes shipping) Also available at Soul Connection in Joshua Tree (click for link)

Desert Plant Bingo Card

Desert Plant Bingo Card

Want to keep track of the different plants you see on your walks? Get your own Desert Plant Bingo card! (2020, 8.5" x 11" color on cardstock) $6 (includes shipping)



Phrases from friends and teachers that helped sustain me during cancer treatment, imagined as a series of maps offering directions (2017, 26 pages; 8.5" x 5.5"; color on cardstock). $12 (price includes shipping)

The Last Bottle of Water

The Last Bottle of Water

What does it take for us to stop buying water in plastic bottles? (2018, 20 pages; 4.25" x 5.5"; b&w). $3 (price includes shipping) Free to teachers and water justice activists! Send me an email.



Love is an Infinite Resource 2.5" x 3" clear and hologram die-cut - $3 each Monstera (cheese plant) 2.5" x 2" - $2 This is not a Detour, This is the Journey 3" x 3" round - $2 How to Pet a Poodle 2" x 2" - $2 (price includes shipping)



Each mini-zine is made from one sheet of folded paper. Various topics. (8 pages each; 2.75" x 4.25"; 2019-2022). $2 each (includes shipping) All five mini-zines $7 (includes shipping)

How to Pet a Poodle

How to Pet a Poodle

"There's more than one way to pet a poodle," and other creative alternatives to problematic sayings. A collaboration with Douglas Blanc. (2023; 32 pages; 5.5" x 4.25"; b&w with orange cover) OUT OF PRINT



This zine juxtaposes random snippets of conversation I heard over the course of one week with fragments from the local newspaper over the same period (2017, 24 pages; 5.5" x 4.25"; b&w). OUT OF PRINT



This zine is about the tenuous coexistence of human and animal life that I observe on my daily walks at the northern edge of Joshua Tree National Park (2017, 24 pages; 8.5" x 5.5"; b&w on cardstock). OUT OF PRINT (limited edition 2-pack with Remains available)

A Piece of the Pie

A Piece of the Pie

Love Pie? Love social justice? This zine takes the metaphor "A Piece of the Pie" literally by playfully imagining pies as vehicles for liberation (2017, 36 pages; 7" x 8.5"; color). OUT OF PRINT

Memento Mori

Memento Mori

Finalist for Broken Pencil best Perzine award 2019! "Memento Mori" means "remember, we all must die." How then do we approach death? (2019, 20 pages; 8.25" x 3.5"; b&w). OUT OF PRINT

Lexicon of Dogitude

Lexicon of Dogitude

Because sometimes you just want to make puns and do cute dog drawings! (2018, 24 pages; 4.25" x 5.5"; color). OUT OF PRINT

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